The DUKES OF HAMRONY play Blues-, Folk-, Country- and Pop-influenced acoustic Rock.

Dukes Of Harmony

Agenda disponibile - molte date a disposizione

Cosa offriamo

The DUKES OF HAMRONY play Blues-, Folk-, Country- and Pop-influenced acoustic Rock. The harmony of the two singers' voices combined, pick you up from the first note and carry you away for the period of the show. They know where to spice up things with some foot stomping riffs, but also know when to just let the song flow, to give the audience a feeling of musical balance. Live they present their original songs with a bunch of well selected covers in between.

What can you expect from a DUKES gig? Just this much: you'll definitely be harmonized!

da 1000 CHF
Durata intrattenimento:
da 2 ore
Termini di cancellazione:

Tipologia di eventi
  • Evento aziendale
  • Matrimonio
  • Festival / Evento Stagionale

Punto di partenza:
Uster (CH) Viaggiamo fino a: 500 km

Lingue parlate:
Tedesco, Inglese, Francese

A disposizione
  • Abbiamo un impianto del suono fino a 150 persone

Video delle esibizioni

Lista canzoni

Live präsentieren die DUKES OF HARMONY eigene Songs (3/4), mit einigen gut ausgewählten Covers (1/4).

Was kann man von einem Dukes-Gig erwarten? Nur so viel vorweg: Man wird harmonisiert sein :)

Soundbeispiele gibt es auf unserer webpage
, oder hier auf stagend, über den Soundcloud link.

Chiedimi un'offerta
Chiamaci, saremo felici di aiutarti!
+41 (0)71 588 03 03 oppure invia un'e-mail
Stagend garantisce:
Assistenza gratuita durante la ricerca
Pagamenti sicuri
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