Goodron - the band with the soundtrack to your life


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Cosa offriamo

On their third album Goodron combine driving rhythms and catchy melodies. The three guys are about to give the world a smirk - let there be Seven Billion Smirks.

Durata intrattenimento:
da 1 ora 30 minuti
Termini di cancellazione:

Tipologia di eventi
  • Evento aziendale
  • Party / Compleanno
  • Festival / Evento Stagionale

Punto di partenza:
Luzern (CH) Viaggiamo fino a: 300 km

Lingue parlate:
Tedesco, Inglese, Italiano, Francese

A disposizione
  • Abbiamo un impianto del suono fino a 3 persone

Video delle esibizioni

Lista canzoni

Wir spielen eigene Songs


Long nights and catchy melodies: That’s what Goodron is about since their start in 2003. At the very beginning the Swiss band already had two number 1 hits in a local radio. They played the first concert on an open air with about 10'000 people. Many more gigs across Switzerland followed – also in more intimate settings. A soundtrack for a movie, two videos with awards as well as airplay and press articles show what Goodron claims to be: a band on an independent way that wants to bring their music to as many people as possible. And to give the world a smirk.

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