The Symphonic Metal/Hard-Rock Music

Inner Core

Agenda disponibile - molte date a disposizione

Cosa offriamo

The Symphonic Metal/Hard-Rock music of INNER CORE is specially for all these people its ears aren't too sensitive and for those who likes loud and expressional Music!
To live out the Passion in Music through live perfomances at Music Clubs, concert Locations, Event Location, exhibitions, Music Festivals, other Festivals or corperate/private Events ... generally to all kinf of Music events to which the Music of INNER CORE fits.
The Musical Level of all the five members and musicians of the band is very high and professional - as almost all of them are playing their instruments since their early years in their lives. Also the singer Anna has a professional Studie in vocals.

da 250 fino a 1250 CHF
Durata intrattenimento:
da 45 minuti a 1 ora
Termini di cancellazione:

Tipologia di eventi
  • Evento aziendale
  • Matrimonio
  • Festival / Evento Stagionale

Punto di partenza:
Basel (CH) Viaggiamo fino a: 200 km

Lingue parlate:
Tedesco, Inglese, Italiano, altro

Set Up

Video delle esibizioni

Lista canzoni


Chiedimi un'offerta
Chiamaci, saremo felici di aiutarti!
+41 (0)71 588 03 03 oppure invia un'e-mail
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Assistenza gratuita durante la ricerca
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