Alt-Country, Alt-Folk, Americana

The Lonesome Southern Comfort Company

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Punto di partenza:
Lugano (CH) Viaggiamo fino a: 100 km

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The Lonesome Southern Comfort Company is a band based between Lugano and Zürich. John (vocals, guitar and banjo), Abraham (guitar), Duke (drums) & Boris (viola). The Lonesome Southern Comfort Company started in 2006 as a solo-project and published his first album in 2008 under On The Camper Records.

Two years later the group released “Charles The Bold” – a combination of alt-country, americana, indie rock and… history (the work was inspired by Charles le Téméraire, duke of Burgundy and his battles against the swiss in 1477).

The band is working on a new album (scheduled for release in october, 2013) and will tour Europe in autumn

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