Hard rockin' shit, played freely

Suns of Saturn

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Tipologia di eventi
  • Festival / Evento Stagionale

Punto di partenza:
Zürich (CH) Viaggiamo fino a: 100 km

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The Suns of Saturn formed in 2007 after they picked up some extraterestrial signals with their home made satalite dish. When they deciphered the code they read a message: „To elevate the soul music and poetry are necessary“. As if a comet from outer space had struck them they were determined to get a band together and blow people away with their newly found interstellar retrofit blues called Riff Rock.

The sound can best be described with a quote a friend came up when he first saw them play: „Riff Rock, Hard rockin' shit played freely". From the first day on they relied on the fact that improvisation would bring out the best in them. This manifests itself in their live shows today.

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