« The Grizzlies are the missing link between Motörhead and NOFX ». RTS Radio Couleur 3 (CH)

The Grizzlies

Agenda disponibile - molte date a disposizione

Cosa offriamo

The Grizzlies is a four members rock band based in Switzerland. It’s the memories, the dreams and nightmares that are the feeds for their music as well as their drawings and paintings. They aim to create an atmosphere in the form of rhythms and melodies which relates to the mental states experienced. Punktastic Magazine (UK) described their first EP (The Grizzlies - 2014) as being ”pretty much impressive”! The Swiss national radio station Couleur 3 described their music as being ”the missing link between Motörhead and NOFX”! 

da 630 CHF
Durata intrattenimento:
da 1 ora
Termini di cancellazione:

Tipologia di eventi
  • Evento aziendale
  • Matrimonio
  • Festival / Evento Stagionale

Punto di partenza:
Genève (CH) Viaggiamo fino a: 500 km

Lingue parlate:
Inglese, Francese, altro

A disposizione
  • Abbiamo un impianto del suono fino a 100 persone

Set Up
To discuss

Video delle esibizioni

Lista canzoni



The Grizzlies is a four members rock band based in Switzerland. It’s the memories, the dreams and nightmares that are the feeds for their music as well as their drawings and paintings. They aim to create an atmosphere in the form of rhythms and melodies which relates to the mental states experienced. Punktastic Magazine (UK) described their first EP (The Grizzlies - 2014) as being ”pretty much impressive”! The Swiss national radio station Couleur 3 described their music as being ”the missing link between Motörhead and NOFX”! 

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