We take our inspiration from nostalgia and historical impressions, through particular moods adorned by seventies atmospheres.
Time and space are our concept sailing courses for finding ideas. Basing on traditional and characterised as folk-progressive, we found out we could meet also other influences. We feel free to look for many ways to communicate what happens in our hearts, as it is, either to initiate expressing in a precise way and change into something else or use other instruments and orchestration, according to the clearer inner landscapes.
Original songs with some rearranged traditional ballads like John Barleycorn, Matty Groves and Scarborough Fair.
La band nasce da 4 membri della Celtic Harp Orchestra che nel 2009 registrano "At The Firelight", un cd regalo di brani tradizionali e medievali. A seguito dell'ottima risposta mediatica al cd, decisero di allargare la lineup ed incidere "Many Meetings On A Blithe Journey" pubblicato nel 2012. La musica dei Trewa spazia da brani originali a ballate celtiche e tradizionali medioevali rielaborati in chiave prog-rock.